Bottlenose Dolphin

Tursiops Truncatus

Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most popular and well known cetacean species in society today. Because of their ability to adapt to human care, as well as learn new behaviors, they are the most studied of all dolphin species.

Size: Adult body length varies from 6.5 ft to 13 ft with males being slightly larger than females.

Distribution: Bottlenose dolphins are found along almost every tropical and temperate coast between 40 degrees north latitude and 45 degrees south latitude. Some populations make seasonal migrations.

Diet: They feed on a variety of sea life including: fish, shrimp, squid, and various other invertebrates. Predators: Predators of bottlenose dolphins include: sharks, killer whales, and humans.

Gestation: Following a gestation period of about 12 months, a calf is born. In most cases the baby will be born tail first to avoid possible drowning. Young will remain with their mothers and nurse for up to 18 months.

Status: Healthy Populations

Fun Facts: Bottlenose dolphins are named for their snout. When viewed in profile, the snout extends from the head like the neck of a bottle.

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